United States

Florence B. Seibert

Stricken by polio at the age of three, Dr. Florence Seibert turned to academics because she couldn’t go out and dance and play like other children.

Image: Wikimedia.

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Mildred Dresselhaus

Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, known as the Queen of Carbon Chemistry, has been a trailblazer since her early days.

Image: Pete Souza/US White House

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Nettie Stevens

Dr. Nettie Stevens’ career as a geneticist wasn’t very long, lasting only about 11 years, but in that short time she was able to make huge strides in understanding genetic traits.

Image: Wikimedia.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Mary Edwards Walker

Mary Walker trained as a surgeon, volunteered for the Union Army in the Civil War, and is the only woman to have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Image: Wikimedia.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Christine Darden

Dr. Christine Darden has said of her success as an engineer at NASA, “I was able to stand on the shoulders of those women who came before me, and women who came after me were able to stand on mine.”

Image: NASA.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Dorothy Horstmann

It was believed that the polio virus directly attacked the central nervous system until Dr. Dorothy Horstmann made a groundbreaking discovery about the mechanism involved with the spread of Polio in the body.

Image Courtesy of PolioPlace

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Shirley Ann Jackson

On July 1st, 1999 Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson became president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and since then she has transformed the oldest technical research university in the United States.

Image: World Economic Forum (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Jeanette Brown

Organic medicinal chemist Jeanette Brown is also a historian, author, and advocate for increasing diversity in science.

Image: Science History Institute (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Pamela Silver

Dr. Pamela Silver is one of the founders of the emerging field of synthetic biology – an interdisciplinary combination of biology and engineering. But before she was part of creating new scientific fields she was making her mark in other disciplines.

Image Courtesy of WYSS Institute.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Barbara Rothbaum

Dr. Barbara Rothbaum is a pioneer in the use of virtual reality exposure therapy for the treatment of various psychological disorders, specializing in research and treatment of patients with anxiety disorders, focusing primarily on PTSD.

Image Courtesy of Emory University.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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