
Joanna Haigh

Since 2014 Dr. Joanna Haigh has been the co-director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College.

Image: Carbon Brief (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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Mildred Dresselhaus

Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, known as the Queen of Carbon Chemistry, has been a trailblazer since her early days.

Image: Pete Souza/US White House

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Hertha Ayrton

When it was suggested that Marie Curie’s husband had actually been the one to discover the element radium Hertha Ayrton, a friend and colleague, quickly and publicly came to Curie’s defense stating, “errors are notoriously hard to kill, but an error that ascribes to a man what was actually the work of a woman has more lives than a cat.” And she would know as she often faced the same misattribution of credit being given to her husband.

Image via the Jewish Women’s Archive.

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Shirley Ann Jackson

On July 1st, 1999 Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson became president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and since then she has transformed the oldest technical research university in the United States.

Image: World Economic Forum (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

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Pearl I. Young

Physicist Pearl I. Young was the first woman hired for a technical position at the NACA.

Image: NASA.

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Sally Ride

On June 18th, 1983 Sally Ride became the first American woman in space when she launched on the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Image: NASA.

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Shannon Walker

Space physicist Dr. Shannon Walker has a second distinction that sets her apart even from the small group of people that have traveled to space, in addition to being an astronaut she is also an aquanaut.

Image: NASA/Wikimedia.

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Sabrina Pasterski

Physicist Sabrina Pasterski has studied at Harvard and MIT, has had her work cited by Stephen Hawking, and even built her own airplane, all before the age of 23.

Image: Wikimedia (CC BY SA 4.0 DEED)

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Chien Shiung Wu

Thought to be the only person from China to work on the Manhattan Project, Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu has been referred to as the “Queen of Nuclear Research.”

Image: Wikimedia.

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Inge Lehmann

Inge Lehmann helped us discover what really lies at the center of our planet.

Image: Wikimedia.

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