
Marianne North

As an unmarried woman in Victorian England, Marianne North rejected the roles of wife and homemaker. She also rejected the conventions that biological specimens should be painted out of context on simple white backgrounds.

Image: Wikimedia.

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Mary Cartwright

Mary Cartwright was one of only five women studying mathematics at Oxford after World War I, and she went on to help found chaos theory.

Image Courtesy of CWM.

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Florence Nightingale

You might think you know the story of Florence Nightingale as a pioneer in the nursing profession, but did you know she was also a brilliant statistician?

Image: Wikimedia.

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Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin

Today, meet Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, the woman who changed our view of the universe and the first recipient of the Annie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy.

Image: Wikimedia.

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Anne McLaren

Through her work in developmental biology, Anne McLaren helped develop the methods that would allow human in vitro fertilization.

Image: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Rosalind Franklin

It’s DNA day, and we’re celebrating the life and work of Rosalind Franklin, who helped discover the molecular structure of DNA, RNA, and even viruses.

Image: Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Jane Goodall

Conservationist and activist Jane Goodall has studied primates in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania since the 1960s and her work has fundamentally changed our understanding of primate behavior.

Image: Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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