
Introductions Necessary is a free podcast that is made possible through the support of our listeners. We don’t charge for our content because we want to inspire the next generation of women in STEM, whether they’re listening on their own or in a classroom. But each episode takes our team many hours of work. You can help support that mission in the following ways:

  • Patreon: The best way to support the show is through a Patreon membership with Nine Hour Films. Certain tiers can earn rewards like logo stickers for this podcast, and a personalized thank you note from us. All members get access to exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes content from our podcasts and other projects. Click here to find out more.
  • Merchandise: We have t-shirts and stickers available through our Square Marketplace shop, as well as many other fun items in our Spreadshirt store.
  • Shop On Amazon: On each episode page, we link to several books that you can read to learn more about the women we’ve featured. Those links will help support the podcast through Amazon Associates.
  • Sponsorship and Advertising: While we would like to keep the audio of our podcast ad free so that it can be easily used for educational purposes, we are happy to talk with any companies or individuals who are interested in sponsoring our show or advertising on our website and social media channels. There are many different ways we could partner with your business and we would be happy to explore them with you. Please email us to learn more.