Women in STEM

Anita Sengupta

August 6th marks the anniversary of the successful landing of the Mars Science Laboratory that deployed the rover Curiosity onto the surface of the red planet. Because of the thin atmosphere present, the design of the landing system had to rely on a combination of rockets and a parachute. The team that designed the supersonic parachute used on this mission was led by Dr. Anita Sengupta.

Image Via Dr. Anita Sengupta (Facebook)

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France A. Córdova

With research contributions in the areas of multi-spectral research on x-ray and gamma ray sources, space-borne instrumentation, and observational and experimental astrophysics Dr. France A. Córdova has been a leader in both academia and public service in the sciences since being inspired by the moon landings.

Image: National Science Foundation.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Eleanor Baum

While much of Dr. Eleanor Baum’s career has been in academia. she also has worked in the aerospace engineering and has been a consultant involved with the practical side of other electrical engineering pursuits as well.

Image Courtesy of Cooper Union Alumni Association.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Rosalind Fox

Rosalind Fox says that working at John Deere provides her with a sense of pride because her work has a higher purpose in that the company’s efforts support the growing global demand for food, shelter and roads.

Image via LinkedIn.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Edith Widder

Dr. Edith Widder is an oceanographer, bioluminescence expert, a certified scientific research pilot for Atmospheric Diving Systems, and an inventor.

Image: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Anna Wessels Williams

In her first year of working at the New York City’s Department of Health diagnostic laboratory, Dr. Anna Wessels Williams would change the world.

Image: Changing the Face of Medicine.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Stephanie Kwolek

Today meet the woman who invented the thread that is used to make Kevlar, Stephanie Kwolek.

Image: Chemical Heritage Foundation (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Jackie Yi-Ru Ying

Becoming one of MIT’s youngest full professors at the age of 35, Jackie Yi-Ru Ying is one of the world’s leading experts on nanotechnology.

Image via NanoBio Lab.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Betty Harris

Dr. Betty Harris has been a teacher and researcher since earning her BS in chemistry at the age of 19.

Image: Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Beatrix Potter

Before she was enthralling children with tales of a mischievous rabbit Beatrix Potter was delving deep into the world of mycology.

Image: Wikimedia.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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