Women in STEM

Natalie Panek

An advocate for women in STEM fields, Natalie Panek is a program advisor and mentor for Cybermentor, an online mentoring program for girls in grades 6 to 12 in Alberta, Canada along with being a systems engineer for space robots at MDA Space.

Image Courtesy of @nmpanek on Instagram.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Jill Tarter

The inspiration for the novel Contact and its subsequent film, Dr. Jill Tarter has spent over 35 years searching the vast universe for evidence of extra-terrestrial intelligence.

Image: Victor R. Ruiz (CC BY 2.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Fabiola Gianotti

Dr. Fabiola Gianotti has been a leader at CERN since the 1990’s, and is serving as their Director-General until 2025.

Image: ATLAS Experiment at CERN (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Maryam Mirzakhani

A professor of mathematics at Stanford University, Dr. Maryam Mirzakhani was one of the leading researchers in the field of complex geodesics and their closures in moduli space.

Image: Maryeraud9/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Sue Hendrickson

An explorer and treasure hunter at heart, Sue Hendrickson has been a diver, amber miner, paleontologist, and conservationist just to name a few of her career’s explorations. You may have heard of her namesake, a T-Rex named Sue.

Image Courtesy of the Field Museum.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Barbara Askins

The first woman to be selected by the Association for Advancement of Invention and Innovations as the National Inventor of the year, Barbara Askins was a chemist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

Image: NASA/Wikimedia.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Lucy Hobbs Taylor

The first American women to earn a degree in dentistry had to forge her own path to achieve this goal. Dr. Lucy Hobbs Taylor would in turn fight for the rights of other women to achieve their dreams.

Image: Wikimedia.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Mary Golda Ross

Engineer Mary Golda Ross once offered this advice: “To function efficiently in today’s world, you need math. The world is so technical, if you plan to work in it, a math background will let you go farther and faster.”

Image via The Museum of Women Pilots.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Mary Carson Breckinridge

Founder of the Frontier Nursing Service, a program credited with lowering the infant mortality rate in Leslie County, Kentucky from one of the highest in the nation to below the national average Mary Carson Breckinridge turned her own personal tragedy into a lasting legacy that still serves southeastern Kentucky with four rural health clinics, a hospital, and a home health agency.

Image via the National Library of Medicine.

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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Lydia Villa-Komaroff

Inspired at an early age to become a chemist, Dr. Lydia Villa-Komaroff’s scientific work in molecular biology has fundamentally changed the treatment of diabetes.

Image: Anthony L. Komaroff (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Sources and additional reading are available at https://introductionsnecessary.com

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