Women in STEM

Gladys Hobby

In 1928, the world of medicine was changed when Alexander Fleming demonstrated the antibacterial properties of penicillin.  But the large-scale impact of his discovery was only realized during World War II, when microbiologists discovered ways to mass produce the drug.  

One of those scientists was Gladys Hobby.

Image: Vassar.

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Rosaly Lopes

Volcanoes on earth can be beautiful and frightening.  But what about volcanoes in space?  Today we’d like you to meet Rosaly Lopes, a planetary geologist and volcanologist who could tell you all about it.

Image: NASA.

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Leona Marshall Libby

Leona Marshall Libby first worked with physicist Enrico Fermi at age 23, when she was on the team that built Chicago Pile-1, the world’s first nuclear reactor.  The youngest member of the team as well as the only woman, Libby earned her PhD shortly after beginning the job.  

Image: Wikimedia.

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Margaret Morse Nice

Margaret Morse Nice is most well known for her work with song sparrows.  She spent eight years making observations of various bonded pairs of song sparrows, eventually writing several books on the topic including Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow.

Image: Wikimedia.

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Florence Merriam Bailey

National Bird Day in the U.S. is observed on January 5th. This is a day that celebrates birdwatching and endeavors to raise awareness of the hardships and plights faced by these animals.   In recognition, we’d like to introduce you to Florence Merriam Bailey.

Image: Wikimedia.

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Jennifer Harris Trosper

The extraordinary life span of the Spirit rover was due to the hard work and ingenuity of the many scientists, engineers, and designers who worked on the project.  Aerospace engineer and  NASA Deputy Project Manager Jennifer Harris Trosper was part of that team.

Image: NASA.

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Sophia Yin

Dr. Sophia Yin was a veterinarian who studied animal behavior and training.  Yin’s philosophy, dubbed Low Stress Handling,  looks to positive reinforcement and “force free” training rather than focusing on dominance or coercion.

Image Courtesy of DrSophiaYin.com.

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Marie Curie

In 1903 Curie became the first woman to receive a doctoral degree in France and was the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize.  She was later awarded the prize in Chemistry, making her the first person to win two Nobel prizes.

Image: Wikimedia.

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